Citizen Bill Center: Legislative Bills
Citizen Bill Center is the public-access portion of State Bill Colorado. In 2006, we became the first legislation-tracking service to offer a comprehensive search of Colorado's pending bills - at no charge - as a public service. This page can be searched and sorted how you want. You can save bills in three formats: HTML, WordPerfect and Adobe Acrobat. You can also e-mail bills to others.
State Bill's premium subscription service, now in its 19th year, offers myriad tools to track legislation. These include: Bill Dossier, which gives the status and calendar for bills along with extensive historical data; Super Search, which lets users search 100 bills simultaneously; Vote Center, which lets users track legislator votes; and Analyze This, polling software allowing users to solicit and organize the reaction of stakeholders to legislation.
If State Bill's premium services are of interest, please call 303-292-1212 or email for information.
Bill # | Description | Intro / Sponsors | Info |
SB25-164 | NEW! Opioid Antagonist Availability & State Board of Health |
2/14/25 F. Winter / J. Jackson |
HB25-1213 | NEW! Updates to Medicaid |
2/13/25 L. Feret / L. Daugherty |
HB25-1260 | NEW! Electrical Generation & Distribution Resiliency |
2/13/25 K. DeGraaf / R. Pelton |
HB25-1259 | NEW! In Vitro Fertilization Protection & Gamete Donation Requirements |
2/12/25 M. Froelich | K. Brown / L. Cutter | L. Daugherty |
HB25-1258 | NEW! Scientific Wildlife Management |
2/12/25 T. Story | E. Velasco |
HB25-1257 | NEW! Relinquishment of Child in Newborn Safety Device |
2/12/25 R. Keltie |
HB25-1256 | NEW! Life-Sustaining Treatment Minors Parent Rights |
2/12/25 B. Bradley / R. Pelton |
HB25-1255 | NEW! Health-Care Provider Right to Exercise Conscience |
2/12/25 S. Luck |
HB25-1254 | NEW! Limitation on Gender Transition Procedure Claims |
2/12/25 K. DeGraaf |
HB25-1253 | NEW! Youth Health Protection Act |
2/12/25 B. Bradley |
HB25-1252 | NEW! Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment Regulation of Abortion Clinics |
2/12/25 S. Bottoms |
HB25-1251 | NEW! Parental Consent to Treatment of a Minor |
2/12/25 S. Bottoms |
HB25-1250 | NEW! Gun Violence Prevention & Parents of Students |
2/12/25 E. Hamrick / L. Cutter |
HB25-1249 | NEW! Tenant Security Deposit Protections |
2/12/25 N. Ricks |
HB25-1248 | NEW! Protect Students from Restraint & Seclusion Act |
2/12/25 K. Stewart / C. Kipp |
HB25-1247 | NEW! County Lodging Tax Expansion |
2/12/25 K. Stewart | K. McCormick / D. Roberts | C. Simpson |
HB25-1246 | NEW! Limit Peace Officer Partisan Political Activities |
2/12/25 B. Marshall |
HB25-1245 | NEW! Heating Ventilation & Air Conditioning Improvement Projects in Schools |
2/12/25 S. Lieder | E. Hamrick |
HB25-1244 | NEW! Welcome, Reception, & Integration Grant Program |
2/12/25 E. Velasco | L. Garcia / L. Cutter |
HB25-1243 | NEW! Peace Officer Questions During Traffic Stop |
2/12/25 M. Lindsay / F. Winter |
HB25-1242 | NEW! Government Transparency Laws |
2/12/25 L. Garcia Sander / B. Pelton |
HB25-1241 | NEW! Public Accessibility of Emissions Records |
2/12/25 B. Marshall | L. Garcia / L. Cutter | C. Kipp |
HB25-1240 | NEW! Protections for Tenants with Housing Subsidies |
2/12/25 J. Joseph | M. Froelich / F. Winter |
HB25-1239 | NEW! Colorado Anti-Discrimination Act |
2/12/25 Y. Zokaie / L. Daugherty | M. Weissman |
HB25-1238 | NEW! Gun Show Requirements |
2/12/25 J. Joseph | S. Camacho / C. Kipp |